Your Best Backyard Camping Adventure Yet!

A family outdoor camping, one playing guitar as two others looks in his direction.

Backyard camping is a classic way of exploring the Great Outdoors without straying from home. No gas or cash required to have a great time together? Sign us up! 

If you're here, we're assuming you want to make everyone in the family happy campers (see what we did there?). 

We have some quick tips and tricks to make your backyard camping trip memorable and extra fun, including answers to common questions. 

Grab a Tent

What's a backyard camping trip without a good tent? There are plenty of options when it comes to the best backyard camping tent. Our 7-Foot A-Frame Tent with Sturdy Metal Poles & LED String Lights brightens up any backyard. You can also choose from our other high-quality and easy-to-assemble tents. 

Grab Some Sleeping Bags

You might be thinking,"Yeah, duh!" And that's fair. But we're not talking about just any sleeping bag here. Your backyard camping excursion should have the best and brightest candidates for comfy sleep under the stars. 

But you can't have just any sleeping bag. Our Woodland Sleeping Bag comes in three designs and make for adorable sleep companions. 

Laugh S’more, Worry Less

Children eating roasted marshmallows.

Worried about real fires? Or you want some quality backyard camping games anyone will love? Thankfully, there are plenty of enormously fun options! 

Our Plush Campfire Set lets everyone feel included around the "campfire" without the worry of food allergies or potential hazards from an actual fire. Perfect for neighborhoods where you aren't allowed to burn anything. Like, at all. 

Be one with nature with the Hoot 'n Holler Animal Caller and explore 9 different animal calls. No zoo or real animals required!

Sensory tables allow exploration without the worry of any kind of mess. Some of the best discoveries happen when we're allowed to explore without worry, and children greatly benefit from sensory exploration, indoors and out. Pretend you run a business for woodland creatures or be a scientist on Jupiter. 

Just Hangin' Out

Backyard camping is perfect for having one-on-one time with family and friends. No distractions, just time to laugh and make memories to keep forever! Pull up a chair (or hang around in a Hugglepod) and play games like Simon Says, I Spy, Werewolf, and other games that can be played with imaginative people. Or share a campfire story you've made up all on your own. 

If you're feeling hungry, you can make delicious camp snacks like gooey rice cereal treats or trail mix. Raisins, cereal, and other tasty snack mixes can be included in your trail mix. It's customizable and delicious! 

Backyard Camping FAQ

Children chatting in their tent.

Your most common questions about backyard camping = answered. 

Can you camp in your backyard?

Most of the time, yes. As long as your neighborhood allows it and there isn't anything inherently dangerous lurking in the shadows (that isn't imaginary), it should be very possible! 

Keep in mind that if you live in a neighborhood with curfew times or specific ordinances forbidding camping (even in your own backyard), you'll need to do some research ahead of time. 

Is it safe to let kids camp in the backyard?

This depends on a few factors. The first is your child's age. Even if your baby is already showing signs of adoring the great outdoors, they are not nearly old enough to camp outside, even if you are out there with them. Babies have many human instincts, but camping is not one of them. 

Think about your child's abilities and their age. If they have the tendency to be wanderers in the non-imaginary way, wait until they're older and understand that they need to stay where they are.

You know your neighborhood best. If you trust and know your neighbors and have other safety protocols in place, backyard camping should be both fantastic AND safe. 

Is it weird to camp in the backyard?

If it is, that means there are a lot of weird people out there. 

And we love them all. 

Have Backyard Camping Stories?

How does your family have the best backyard camping adventure? Share your stories and cool camping games with us!

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